so when we get off the phone i just have this massive want and desire to go home and spend time with Jesus. don't get me wrong, everytime i'm in the shower, the car, church, bed, etc. i'm sharing some kind of somthing with Jesus. but this desire was different. i wanted to go home, turn on some fervent worship and let Jesus rock my socks off.
well, to say Jesus rocks my socks off is an understatement. and i guess i got what i asked for ;) when i ask Him to show me something he doesn't just show me one thing.. he literally leaves me in the floor begging for Him to keep on filling me up with his divine love and his presence.
so i come home from work, i turn on some fervent worship, and the first song that comes on his called COME ALIVE. throughout the song micah [the worship leader] yells "dry bones, hear the word of the Lord..Prophecy!" Along with "You WILL live!! You WILL live!! You WILL live!!" a good amount of times. So i'm laying in my floor sprawled out and the Lord said "Romans 8:13.. read Romans 8:13" so i jot it down, anticipating reading it as soon as i get finished.
i'm telling you, He always leaves me speechless.
so, i look up the verse and it says:
"For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die. But if by the spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, YOU WILL LIVE."
ho. ly. mess.
that's not all.
a few other songs play, and still, i'm just laying in my floor soaking up everything i can get from my precious Father.
an amazing song comes on called rejoice. the song says a few repetitive things like:
"Dance out of these chains, shout down the walls, let's stomp on the enemy's head 'cause we have won!" "You're a good, good Father. You're a good, good Father. You're a good, good Father.. You never leave, You never leave!"
and then it says:
"You brought me out of the darkness and into the light.."
when it said this i immediately just started crying, thanking God for bringing me from the nasty places i have been to this wonderful life i live trying to know his heart more and more everyday, and soon, taking me HOME to heaven--forever. ahhhh:):) along with this, i was telling Him "God, i want to know you- I always want to have intimate moments with you and know you more. I want to HAVE to dive in to your word everyday, because if i don't my spirit with go crazy. I want to please you and I want to show others how to follow you, God. I want to understand you, and I want to do things that make you smile, and make you proud to have a child like me."
once again, i'm laying there fully in the presence of God when he says "Colossians 1:9-13"
do you wanna know what that says? are you sure?
"And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thank to the Father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son."
wow, huh!?
as if all of that wasn't amazing enough, i decided to ask God what exactly he means. He told me:
we have to go out, and we have to prophecy to the nations. to everyone. we have to share the word of God and live for HIM leaving our sinful nature behind. when we leave our sinful nature behind and we "put to death the misdeeds of the body" then that will allow us to live. we as a nation can raise up the "dry bones" of our generation by US being pleasing to God and by doing so, we will bring other people to know the God we love, and the God we serve. He has brought us [the dry bones] out of the darkness and into the light [the kingdom of his beloved son.] it's time. revival is coming. and he has chosen our generation to release the kingdom of God onto these dry bones. [our nation, school, homes, city, state.]
all of this goes along with a dream i had a few weeks ago. i had a dream that there was a tornado over shoals christian [the school i graduated from] even though there was obviously a huge storm coming, everyone was standing outside. the people in the parking lot were divided into different groups. some of the groups were so excited. singing and dancing, crying joyful tears. while others were scared, crying out of fear.
when i woke up the next morning i knew my dream had meaning. i went a few days wondering what it could mean until one night i broke down. i couldn't sleep and i was tossing and turning. i got in prayer mode and just told the Lord to release what he was trying to say over me, telling Him, He was going to have to spell it out for me. So over and over in my head I heard Revelation 1:7 over and over and over.
i didn't know what the verse said, so i got out of bed and looked it up.
and this is what it reads:
"Behold, He is coming with the clouds and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced him, and all the tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so, Amen."
again. speechless.
God is going to do amazing things to not only our nations but our schools, and one promise i have is for shoals christian. as obvious, the children who were excited are the dry bones who chose to wake up and LIVE for Him. the children who were scared, were children who chose to follow the "misdeeds of the body" and live in sinful nature.
He's coming.
Are you ready?
Hey! I came across your blog from Kelly's site, and I just thought I'd say that I absolutely love how on fire you are for God! This post was amazing and just shows how great God is. I hope you don't mind if I "follow" you! =)
hey! of course you can follow me :) i'm following you too. thank you for the compliment! things like that are so precious to me and truly show me and i have a heart after God. and i agree.. he is AMAZING! :)
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