
DL on the Tomlin's

Ay yi yi
I have been so tired lately, I sleep all the time!
Michael got a job at a restraunt here as a waiter until he finds something "better", he says.
He's in training this week, and hopefully it goes well and brings in some cash flow ;)
Luckily, we're doing okay right now with money! God changed the season for us quickly,
but he did everything but abandon us. Although sometimes it felt like that was happening.
During this time, we have gotten even closer than we were!
We have gotten to spend so much time together, which sometimes could cause sticky situations since we aren't used to being around one another so often, ha!
We had only spent THREE, yes three, Saturday's together since we have been together.
Is that crazy or what!?
Not anymore :)
Anyways, I figured i'd do a quick little update since i've been a slacker lately :/
Happy Wednesday!


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